Our Story

The history of Classic Clips
The development of Classic Clips Website began in 2008 as a college project. Since then, we have grown exponentially! We are ow focused on becoming the most comprehensive and largest Website of its kind. Soon, visitors to our Website will be able to search and find every notable film ever made. While we have a long way to go, our archives are already one of the main sources of information, entertainment and history film anywhere.
The development of our store
Now, with the introduction of our Store, visitors can find some of the most sought after and often hard to find products, including movies, posters and much more as well as our own unique, exclusive and retro designs now available on Mugs, Tees, Sweatshirts, Caps (Hats), vintage art and more.
The development of our store actually began, was completed and then launched in the fall of 2023, but set backs forced us to close. But now we’re back!
Our website and store developed with you in mind
Our Website, and now our store, was created with you, our valued customers, visitors and subscribers to our Rumble channel, in mind. Like you, we love everything Nostalgic and Classic, and that sentiment is reflected in our Website and Store design.
Like our website, Classic Clips Store plans to become one of the largest, most unique, retro and vintage sites of its kind.
Responsive and easy to navigate
Our store in also ‘Responsive’, meaning you can conveniently view us on any mobile device, including tablets and computers. Looking for something in particular in our store? No problem. As you will see, our store is super easy to navigate. With clear headings and links, you will always find your way back to where you started from with ease.